Latest Projects — lightweight beach shade

The Best Beach Shade - Super Easy Setup Lightweight Canopy!

Posted by Miranda Weldon on

I sewed my own canopy after seeing a picture my husband shared with me of a style he wanted. Most of my sewing projects are for my kids, and I was happy to use my sewing skills to make something for my husband, for once. At the time he showed me the picture, I didn't know anything about the company that made the beach canopy he showed me. I wasn't aware the company had several utility and design patents, and I wasn't aware that patents prohibit reproducing a product, even for personal use. 

I know you may be visiting MagpieTayleetot right now because you bookmarked my tutorial. I know you may be disappointed to see the tutorial is no longer here. Unfortunately, I can no longer, in good faith, share instructions on how I reproduced someone else's idea and product. 

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