Shamrock Fruit Kabobs for St.Patrick’s Day - A Healthy St.Patrick’s Day Class snack

Shamrock Fruit Kabobs for St.Patrick’s Day - A Healthy St.Patrick’s Day Class snack

As a dedicated room mom, for my daughter’s class. I've had the privilege of organizing numerous celebrations throughout the school year. There's always an opportunity to create memorable moments for our children. When it comes to St. Patrick's Day, I've often found myself on the hunt for a unique and healthy St. Patrick's Day snack to share with the class. That's when I stumbled upon the idea of making rainbow fruit kabobs – a delightful and vibrant addition to our holiday festivities. In this blog, I'm excited to share my journey of crafting these colorful and nutritious treats that are the perfect healthy St. Patrick's Day snack to bring some Irish cheer to the classroom!

Healthy class snack for St.Patrick’s Day
As room mom for my daughter’s class, I love to make cute fun snacks for all of the holidays. St.Patrick’s day is one of my family’s favorite holidays (My husbands name is Patrick, and he claims it like a second birthday)! When sending in holiday snacks, I always try to balance it out by sending something healthy along with the sweet treat. I had already made these Pinch Punch Juice boxes and these Pot of Gold Treat Bags, so I needed to come up with something on the healthy side to send with them.

When I saw these Shamrock Floral picks I thought they would be perfect for Rainbow Fruit Kabobs! I cut up fruit in all the colors of the rainbow (red strawberries, orange cantaloupe balls, yellow pineapple, green kiwi, blue blueberries, and purple grapes). When I bought the floral picks I was thinking the stick would make a great kabob stick, but once I opened them I realized the shamrock was shedding glitter and they weren’t food safe. I had to improvise. I used wooden kabob skewers to put the fruit on (with the sharp tip pointing up above the strawberries), and then put the fruit kabob into tall treat bags. Once the kabobs were bagged up, I cut the stick off of the shamrock picks. I used the sharp tip of the wooden skewer to poke a small hole in the top of the treat bag and then inserted the sharp tip into the bottom of the shamrock. 

They were such a cute way to make the healthy snack more exciting looking and quick/easy to make!

 **I have included affiliate links to the products I used and can receive a small commission if a purchase is made after you click on a link in this tutorial. All items used in this tutorial were purchased by me and I did not receive anything in exchange.

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Miranda Weldon

Miranda Weldon is the owner and Chief Crafter at MagpieTayleetot. An accountant by trade, who left the world of finance in pursuit of more creative ventures. This mother of two and Class "Room Mom" to many, loves to DIY snacks, party supplies, and more! Miranda is a self-taught seamstress of 15 years who always prefers to make things herself.

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