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End of the School Year Festivities: Celebrating Carnival Day at School

End of the School Year Festivities: Celebrating...

As the school year drew to a close, the excitement among students reached a fever pitch with the arrival of the much-anticipated themed days. As a room mom, I had...

End of the School Year Festivities: Celebrating...

As the school year drew to a close, the excitement among students reached a fever pitch with the arrival of the much-anticipated themed days. As a room mom, I had...

Making Tie Dye Shirts with class

Making Tie Dye Shirts with class

  The kindergarten teachers at my daughters school decided to have a field day as an end of the year celebration, and wanted for each class to make tie dye...

Making Tie Dye Shirts with class

  The kindergarten teachers at my daughters school decided to have a field day as an end of the year celebration, and wanted for each class to make tie dye...